Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Future Is Bright

The future is looking brighter from where I stand today. In the course of the past week we have made some giant steps to our new future. For me personally I decided it was time to finally live on the edge and do what I have talked about for the past 8 years.

I bought this for myself!!!

As I mentioned in a past post, one of first major goals is housing this year. We have been working the past couple of weeks on meeting that goal. A lot of time has been put into getting our place cleaned up and ready to move in to. While there are still a few odd things that need to be done, we now have the keys to the place. We are going to start moving stuff over the next week with the bulk of it being done during my days off next week. It has been almost 3 years since we've had our own place, so we are very excited about it!

Until next time....